Tel: +94 55 2226622


Student Charter

Student Notices

Academic Calendar

Timetables (Examination)

Timetables (Class)


Awards, Medals and Achievements

Facilities and Services

Societies and Clubs

Students Events

Aurora Food Festival



ANS Blood Drive

ANS Trophy

Life Saving Training Camp

Nimthera Abiyasa


Wellasse Kona Mangalya

Namunukula Vesak Sanda


Christmas Carol

Manusath Handa

Nirudakayata Diyapodak


Degree programmes of the Faculty already maintain their own unique Alumni Associations. Alumni have been established for maintaining interactions between University and graduates. Also, alumni provide several benefits such as scholarships, employments, training opportunities and fund raising for the undergraduates. Alumni organizes several events annually with the participation of academic staff members, undergraduates and graduates for enhancing the synergistic collaboration and interaction.

Alumni Association of Department of Animal Science; “IMPREUNA”, was established in 2017, with the objectives of supporting the Undergraduates of Department of Animal Science through enhancing the academic excellence of its undergraduates, welfare of its members and disseminating information on relevant activities, opportunities & requirements of the degree programmes.

Since most of the other degree programmes of the Faculty meet their 10th batch in 2019, they are in the progression of commencing their own alumni associations with the collaboration of 10 batches in 2019. Once all the degree programmes are equipped with their own alumni associations, a premier alumni association will be established for the Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture.

News Room
