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The Entrepreneurship and Management degree programme offers two specialization areas namely Entrepreneurship and Management Technologies and Insurance and Actuary. Further, specialization areas would be added when situation demands in the field of Management. This degree programme has been designed in such a way that it is matched with the stakeholder requirements and in turn matches with the overall value proposition of Uva Wellassa University.

Entrepreneurship and Management Degree Programme

The Entrepreneurship and Management degree programme offers two specialization areas namely Entrepreneurship and Management Technologies and Insurance and Actuary. Further, specialization areas would be added when situation demands in the field of Management. This degree programme has been designed in such a way that it is matched with the stakeholder requirements and in turn matches with the overall value proposition of Uva Wellassa University.

In addition, the specialization in insurance and Actuary mainly focuses on providing the students with a comprehensive knowledge and skills enhancing their knowledge in all areas which relates to insurance and actuary including actuarial mathematics, risk and insurance, life and non-life insurance, actuarial methods, insurance law, information technology for financial services and general insurance, actuarial models etc.

Program attributes

The followings characteristics are unique to the degree program.

  • Existence of a qualified and multidisciplinary academic staff
  • Existence of a multi-faceted evaluation system
  • Encouraging entrepreneurial extra-curricular activities that contribute to the successful achievement of the generic objectives of the degree program
  • Executing undergraduate research activities through final year “Research project” for six months which improves logical thinking, generating innovative ideas, methodological working, analytical skills, writing and presenting abilities of the students.
  • Opportunity for undergoing an industrial training of six months that exposes the students to the real world of work in which they can gather practical experience
  • Updating of curriculum according to the industry requirements. Accordingly the curriculum of the specialization in Entrepreneurship and Management technologies consists of following areas, that. recommend innovative solutions which match with the requirements of the stakeholders

Graduate attributes

The Entrepreneurship and Management Graduate should possess the following competencies.

  1. Knowledge
    • Possess a broad knowledge related to the concepts in entrepreneurship and business management
    • Possess a knowledge focused on current managerial issues debates and limitations in the national and international business world
  2. Skills
    • Be able to identify, define and analyze problems and recommend innovative solutions which match with the requirements of the stakeholders
    • Be able to critically evaluate the theoretical aspects behind entrepreneurship and Management and question the status-quo
    • Possess the qualities such as intellectual openness, curiosity and capacity for reflective thinking
    • Posses a capacity for creativity and originality
  3. Abilities
    • Be able to display transformational leadership qualities
    • Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds with inclusiveness and open-mindedness
    • Being an individual who values mutual respect and integrity
    • Being a Self-disciplined individual
    • Ability to contribute to the knowledge base of entrepreneurship and Management through entrepreneurial research activities

Department of Public Administration was established in 2006 with the inception of the University in the Faculty of Management. Currently the Department holds the Administrative Functions of the Bachelor’s in Business Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management. Further, the department is the center of Broad General Education which is unique to all curricula of Uva Wellassa University.

The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) was established as the third Department of Study, attaching temporary to the Faculty of Management of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka by the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No: 2079/12 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka issued on Monday, July 09th 2018.

The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) has now organized all its courses to be delivered by the members of the Academic Staff of the DELT in an organized way expecting productive results to be benefitted by all the undergraduates of all Study Programmes of the University irrespective of Departments and Faculties as the establishment of the DELT is for the entire university.

The Department also ensures aligning all its courses realizing the Vision of the University “To be the Centre of Excellence for Value Addition to National Resource Base” imparting Essential Skills Development (ESD) by means of innovative pedagogical practices deviating from traditional methodologies

New Degree Programme for 2021/2022 Academic Year

Bachelor of Arts Honours in English Language and Applied Linguistics (BAHONS English Lan & App Ling) Degree programme

The approval for the above novel Degree Programme was granted by the University Grants Commission UGC) held on May 20th 2022, at its 1078th Meeting for the commencement of the degree of Bachelor of Arts Honours in English Language & Applied Linguistics of the Department of English Language Teaching (DELT).

The name of the Degree Programme, Name of the Qualification, Abbreviated Title, Eligibility requirement, Admission process, Student intake, Duration and the SLQF level are given below for your reference. The programme shall be delivered by the Experts from within and outside the university coupled with some International Experts specialized on respective disciplines.

Name of the Degree Programme English Bachelor of Arts Honours in English Language & Applied Linguistics
Sinhala ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව සහ ව්‍යවාහාරික වාග් විද්‍යාව – ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී ගෞරව
Tamil ஆங்கில மொழி மற்றும் பிரயோக மொழியியல் – சிறப்புக் கலைமாணி
Name of the Qualification English Bachelor of Arts Honours in English Language & Applied Linguistics
Sinhala ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව සහ ව්‍යවාහාරික වාග් විද්‍යාව – ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී ගෞරව
Tamil ஆங்கில மொழி மற்றும் பிரயோக மொழியியல் – சிறப்புக் கலைமாணி
Abbreviated Title BAHons (English Language and App Ling)
Eligibility requirement An Applicant with at least “S” grades in any three subjects at the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination
For applications to be considered for admission to the BA Honours in English Language & Applied Linguistics degree program;
Applicants must Possess and acceptable Z-score determined by the UGC with satisfactory results at the advanced Level Examination (Excluding General English)
Applicant should have a minimum of “C” pass for English Language and a “C” pass for Mathematics at the G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination
Admission process UGC “Z” score-based Selection
Student intake 50 students per year
Duration 4 years (Full Time)
SLQF Level Level 06

The student shall be admitted to this degree programme for the Academic Year 2021/2022 based on year 2021 Advanced Level results. Those who are really interested and ever prepared to commit for myriad activities in relation to the programme whilst also maintaining expected standards and discipline can apply for the programme. For this, DELT shall ensure an exemplary service in producing well-rounded graduates fitting into any given professional context of the world of work.

The Department of Tourism Studies (DTS) was established in 2019 as the fourth department of the Faculty of Management of Uva Wellassa University. The DTS is expected to deepen its teaching and research capacity with applied and trans-disciplinary atmosphere as a cornerstone to inspire new era in global tourism industry. BBM in Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management is currently offered under the DTS and further study programmes will be developed to cater to the changing demand and industry needs aligning to the university vision of “To be the Centre of Excellence for Value Addition to National Resources”.

BBM in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management

In keeping with the vision of Uva Wellassa University, the Faculty of Management sets new trends by introducing a degree program in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management, taking in to consideration, the needs of the country and in producing employable graduates who can contribute significantly towards the economic development of Sri Lanka. This program is introduced at a time where there is a conducive atmosphere for the development of Tourism and Leisure Industry.

The Tourism sector had it’s set back for the last three decades due to civil unrest in the country. Now with the end of the unrest, there is sudden boom in the travel and tourism industry. There is a need to produce employable graduates to cater to the needs of top and middle level Management and to promote Tourism and Leisure Industry. This program will certainly fill the existing vacuum in this industry and promote economic growth expected by the country.

In keeping with the vision of Uva Wellassa University, the Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme was introduced in 2009 with the conducive atmosphere for the development of Tourism and Leisure Industry in the country addressing the need of producing employable graduates who can contribute significantly towards the economic development of Sri Lanka. This is a four years special degree organized and developed covering a wider perspective proving a comprehensive knowledge and understanding to scoop out the graduates’ capacity providing essential theoretical and practical knowledge on the tourism industry, and how tourism influences society locally, nationally and globally.