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Certificate Course in Gem Resources Management


 “Certificate Course in Gem Resources Management” (“මැණික් සම්පත් කළමනාකරණය පිළිබඳ සහතික පත්‍ර පාඨමාලාව” )


The Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka has served the people as a higher educational institution from 2006 onwards. The university offers a degree program for undergraduates named Bachelor of Science in Mineral Processing Technology through the Department of Applied Earth Sciences. The importance of gemmology knowledge is growing with the demand for precious gemstones. Students, school leavers, government sector employees, and private sector employees are interested in learning gemmology to make extra income for their living. Most of the employees, school leavers, and students of the Uva province are travelling to other parts of the country, especially Colombo or Ratnapura, to follow the gemmology courses. The Association of Research Gemologists has requested us to conduct a basic course for interested people on gemmology within the Uva Province. The Department of Applied Earth Sciences plans to provide the facility to Uva province as a remedy for people travelling too far distance to follow the gemmology courses.

For more information

R.G.C Jaliya
Senior Lecturer / Course Coordinator
Department of Applied Earth Sciences
Uva Wellassa University


Course Details

Application Form – Certificate Course in Gem Resources Management 2022

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