Award Name : 2023 ForestGEO Research Grants Program Awarding Institute : ForestGEO Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Website : ForestGEO | ( Postgraduate Unit of UWU is pleased to announce that the proposal entitled “Role of interspecific and intraspecific variations in leaf traits in determining the community structure in a diverse tropical rainforest,” which was submitted by [...]
Vacancies Post of Temporary Lecturer Department of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Technological Studies, Uva Wellassa University invites applications from potential candidates for the post of Temporary Lecturer in the field of computing. Qualifications: Candidates should possess a Special/Honours Degree in the field of computing with the class obtained from a recognized university by [...]
Vacancy Temporary Demonstrator Department of Engineering Technology Faculty of Technological Studies, Uva Wellassa University Applications are called from qualified graduates to serve as Temporary Demonstrators at the Department of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Technological Studies. Candidates should have a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University offering the bellow mentioned subjects at the degree level. Preference [...]