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Guidlines for Busness Plan Competition

Business Plan/ New Product Development Competition -2020

Rules and Regulation for the Competition 

General Guidelines

  1. Business plan competition is open for all the undergraduates in Entrepreneurship and Management Degree Programme.
  2. New product development competition is open for all the undergraduates in Uva Wellassa University
  3. Individuals or teams are eligible for the Business Plan Competition and New Product Development Competition.
  4. The winning team will be the group which is having the overall highest marks.
  5. The decision of the panel members will be the final and will not be subjected to any change.

Rules for the Competition

  1. The allocated time for the presentation of the business plan/ new product development will be 10 minutes.
  2. The teams must submit their presentation in MS PowerPoint prior to the competition date (on or before 22nd July 2020) to
  3. Presentation is required to present via zoom video conferencing system
  4. Business plan/ new product can be presented individually or as a group

Evaluation Criteria 

  • Introduction of the Business Idea/New Product – 10%
  • Uniqueness of the business idea – 20%
  • Marketability and Sustainability – 20%
  • Financial Feasibility – 20%
  • Creativity of the presentation – 10%
  • Question and Answering – 20%