Center for Gender Equiry and Equality

Facilitates the establishment of gender sensitive university cultures and university environments.

  • The Center for Gender Equiry and Equality at Uva Wellassa University

    University Grants Commission (UGC) has taken initiatives to minimize all forms of violence including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) by promoting all state universities to establish Gender Equity and Equality Centres/Cells. In line with that, the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE) of Uva Wellassa University was established by 116th Council of the University in 2016 upon the request made by the UGC, Sri Lanka.

    The CGEE has a strong background with a solid Policy Framework to guide the university in integrating Gender Equity and Equality (GEE) in all staff and student activities. The CGEE has four Faculty cells which are sub-committee functioning under the University Gender Equity and Equality Committee, with the intention of facilitating the CGEE by creating gender sensitive environment at the faculty level.

    There are male and female academic staff members assigned from the Faculty to take care of the matters with GEE at the Faculty level. CGEE assists in promoting socially and gender sensitive sub cultures and an environment of freedom and security that allows students and all university staff to pursue their study and work without discrimination and oppression.

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